Saturday, 22 March 2014

29. The Wrapped Object, February 2014

During the 'nonsense botany' project, the group looked at images of a Bernini sculpture in marble, that shows a woman turing into a tree. Connecting this to our nonsense plants, we had a life drawing session wherein we drew our model turning into a plant. 

This in turn developed into an interest in Bernini and the baroque. We drew a model covered in cloth and this in turn lead to our looking at the artist Christo and Jeanne Claude, and their famous 'wrapping' of objects and buildings.

28. Nonsense Botany, January 2014

In January 2014 we started developing our ideas for this years Easter Spring Ball Event. The theme for the 2104 edition will be 'nonsense'.

Inspired by the illustrations of Edward Lear, the group created an amazing array of surreal, beautiful and nonsensical plants from a wide range of materials, showing both their technical skills and ever rich imaginations.