Saturday 30 June 2012

13. Fluxus Art Project, March-April 2012.

A series of projects inspired by the 'Fluxus' art movement. 

Fluxus was about bringing art to the public beyond the limitations of the gallery. It was about mixed, media, and a playful and humorous gesture. The work was usually small, and simple in its method, and often made use of text. 

The members made several series of works, with the intention that some of the finished pieces would be part of the 'Islington Word Festival 2012', and displayed at the Annual Spring Ball at Islington Town Hall.

The projects included drawings made in response to listening to music, which where then developed into paintings and projected behind the dancers at the town hall event. They also made fluxus 'instructions'. These took the form of small signs that were produced in multiples and left in public spaces, to confound, intrigue and amuse surprised members of the public. And finally, life drawings from the previous term were used as the basis for word collages, wherein figures became a mass of collaged words.

12. Life Drawing Techniques, Jan-Feb 2012.

'Life Drawing Project'

A 6 week course exploring approaches to life drawing. The members learned new skills, and gained an understanding of how to engage with the life model in different ways. The images also include work with the life model as part of the 'Greek Term'.