Tuesday, 28 February 2012

11. Greek Art / 'Town Planning', and 'The Secret Garden', Sept-Dec 2011.

'The Secret Garden'

The paintings, sculptures and installations in this exhibition represent The Claremont Art Groups contribution to the project, ‘The Secret Garden’. They worked on this project over 6 weeks.

Initially conceived as a way of creating an environment for the Claremont Dance Groups performance, we decided as the project developed, that the art pieces should have more autonomy, and be interesting and interactive in their own right, rather than serving solely as a backdrop.

The group created mind-maps to explore their provisional ideas, from which this mix of individual responses to the theme emerged. Sketches took on a life of their own as artworks grew and expanded to the tune of the group’s ever fertile imaginations! The result, as always, reflects the diversity and wonderful energy and imagination that the members bring to their art projects.

Discover the sound of bird song amongst lush paper foliage, find ducks waddling to a pond within a brick walled secret garden, peer through the holes in an old garden door to see the secrets beyond, and explore the wreck of an old ship who’s decks have become an extension of the islands landscape, amongst the delights of our secret garden.

Videos of work:

10. Greek Art / 'Town Planning', and 'The Secret Garden', Sept-Dec 2011.

Redesigning Upper Street, Islington, as a Public Space’

The models in this exhibition where made my members of Claremont’s Art Group. The members meet at Claremont Projects, White Lion Street, N1, for weekly art sessions. They worked on this project over 6-8 weeks.

The aim of the project was to imagine, and create proposals for the re-design of Upper Street.  The area we focused on is currently a main road lined with pavements to access shops, with a small park, Islington Green, at one end. Taking inspiration from early Greek culture, and their emphasis on the importance of ‘shared public spaces’ in their town planning, the members where invited to re-imagine the space as a park, meeting place, a space to relax or a space to engage in cultural or sporting pursuits.

The first stage of the project was to walk around the proposed site, making notes and taking photographs. They then developed their ideas in sketches and collages, before working on their final models.

No budgetary limits where set, but the members where asked to consider the broad use and accessibility of the area for all members of the public. Consideration also had to be made for amenities such as toilets, food, access and transport. From psychic gardens and giant fountains, to huge fallen angel art centers, and scenic swimming pools, the members brought their usual energetic mix of imagination and fun to the project to create the inspiring models you see before you. You are invited to imagine Upper Street anew, and ponder what you might add yourself, give the choice and a magic wand.